Redeemer Golden is a new and growing church community that exists to worship God, celebrate Jesus and the gospel, and welcome our neighbors to his feast of grace.

Our Mission

We desire to welcome people of all ages, stages, and backgrounds into a gospel-saturated community, where the grace of Jesus enables and moves us to worship God and love our neighbors.

We do not believe we exist only for ourselves but also for those who are not yet convinced. We aim to be a place where people can “belong before they believe” and can ask honest questions and expect honest answers. 

Redeemer Golden’s goal is to become a community of people who know they don’t have it all together but who are together delighting in Jesus and the gospel and who are eager to welcome others to the feast.

God is a God of mission. He always has been. He is at work redeeming the entire cosmos through his Son, Jesus Christ. That redemption extends to the hearts of sinners needing new life and flows out to transform families, business, culture and every sphere of life. We exist to be a blessing to our neighbors, the City of Golden, and the world.

We love the Bible and are committed to being shaped by it through preaching, teaching, and keeping it at the center of our life together.


Redeemer Golden exists to be a blessing to the City of Golden. We will seek to serve the people of our city in practical ways and to engage the city with a message of hope through various avenues. Redeemer Golden’s goal is to be an anchor church in the Front Range which is rooted and established with people and resources to be used by God to bring gospel transformation and renewal to individual lives and our city for generations to come.

We are committed to active involvement in church planting, ministry to college campuses, local and global missions, and supporting and serving with local ministries and organizations.


God is at work for his own glory. His glory is our highest aim and our greatest good. God has been and will continue to be at work, building his church and his kingdom for his own glory and our task is to participate in what he is doing.

The Bible is the inspired and infallible Word of God and is our highest authority. We seek to be a Word-centered church, saturating our life in Scripture. God’s Word shapes our theological identity. We make use of creeds and confessions which unite us with the church around the world and throughout the ages and which connect us to our Presbyterian and Reformed roots and covenantal understanding of Scripture.

The gospel of grace is what brings us into a relationship with God and what grows us to maturity in Christ. We will have ministries to deepen our knowledge of God and our delight in his grace.

Worship is what we were created for. It is glorifying God for who he is and the redemption he has accomplished through Jesus. That is what is taking place in heaven right now and it is what the Church will do for all of eternity. For this reason, worship is at the center of all that we do. It is what everything else in the life of the church revolves around. Worship gives us a place to express the whole range of human emotions, but it is also primarily a formative experience where God actually shapes our hearts and desires to conform us into the image of his Son. Worship is where God gives us what we need most... himself. Worship pumps the gospel through the church body week after week, so that we are empowered to love and serve our neighbors and our city.

When God rescues people, he adopts them into his family, a new community called the Church. The Church is called to be the most loving and welcoming community on earth. In the midst of an individualistic culture, the Church is called to build real relationships and to love and serve those around us. Redeemer Golden is not a community of people who have it all together. We are people who know we need to be forgiven and healed. Whether you are convinced or skeptical, committed or still searching, burned out or bored... Redeemer welcomes you to explore our community and taste the grace and love of Jesus, the Redeemer. We believe that people of all ages are part of one community. Jesus welcomed little children and our children are just as much a part of the church as anyone else. So we will have ministries to serve our children and welcome their presence with us.

We do not believe we exist only for ourselves but also for those who are not yet convinced. We aim to be a place where people can “belong before they believe” and can ask honest questions and expect honest answers. We exist to be a blessing to our neighbors, the City of Golden, and the world. We aim to be a missional church, warmly extending our welcome to seekers, skeptics, those who have been burned out by the church and the world, those who are bored, and the spiritually hungry. We are a church for the convinced and the unconvinced. We expect and desire to have new people with us from all walks of life, including those who do not yet believe. So we will seek to communicate intelligibly and in a way that assumes their presence with us.

Redeemer Golden exists to be a blessing to the City of Golden. We desire to understand, engage the culture of our city, and to love our community well. We will seek to serve the people of our city in practical ways and to engage the city with a message of hope through various avenues. We long to see the redemption of Jesus extend to the hearts of sinners needing new life and flow out to transform families, business, culture and every sphere of life. We see the areas of need and brokenness as opportunities for us to support, sacrifice, and serve, rather than overlook, alienate, and condemn.

We graciously strive for excellence in all we do by strategically and generously unleashing our time, talent, and resources.


- God is worshiped with reverence and great joy so that he is glorified, his people are nurtured in their faith, and the world is drawn to the grace and splendor of God.

- God's Word is preached boldly so that Jesus and the gospel are displayed in beauty. That Word is studied and applied to every area of life.

- People are brought into a relationship with God through the gospel of free grace in Jesus Christ and grow in Christian maturity through this same gospel.

- The spiritually hungry are nourished and the broken made whole. Where people receive new life and find grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Where the gospel gives people hope for the future and purpose for today.

- People of all backgrounds, convinced or unconvinced, burned out, bored, or broken are welcomed into a community where they are known and loved. Our desire is to build relationships in which we grow in love and forgiveness as we live our lives together.

- The good news of salvation in Jesus Christ is proclaimed in Golden and beyond.

- God's love and grace moves us to love our neighbors through acts of love and mercy.